5/24/15-Empowered by God’s Spirit0-Acts 3:1-10
I know that I do not have much time left with you brothers and sisters here, and so I thought we could take a journey together through the book of Acts
This final sermon series of mine is a gift to you, to get us to look at God empowering His church to do His work in the world, to be His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. We are to be holy ambassadors of that Kingdom, because if you are a believer, your eternal life starts right now, not when you die.
We are to live as if we are living in the Kingdom of God, today, right now. Today is Pentecost, the church’s birthday, and Acts 2 is where we read last year of the Holy Spirit’s coming mightily down on the apostles and other believers, about 120 of them.
Immediately, the disciples move out into the world to fulfill the grand yet simple command, “Tell the whole world about Jesus.” It did not take a huge PR firm or a campaign, only the willing hearts of those who were empowered by the Holy Spirit. It was those who simply said, “Yes” to Jesus and took Him at his word.
Peter, the impetuous, forthright and bold, loudmouth. John the more quiet, retiring, tender and compassionate. YET these two different guys were bonded in brotherhood with chords that could not be broken. This is an example of the chains of love and unity among these diverse believers.
We too are different here, different ages, different jobs, different hobbies, yet we should always remember, that what, or rather WHO, unites us is stronger that he who tries to divide us.
We should not only be thankful for that undeserved gift of grace, but should be asking “what does grace require of me?” We often ask God to solve a small problem, but He wants to give us a whole new life and help for all our problems. When we ask God for help, he may say, “I’ve got something even better for you” You may ask God for what you want, but don’t be surprised when He gives you what you really need.
Friends, the same Spirit given to them to do this great work, this miracle, is given to you as well. If you are a Christian, you are a spirit-anointed powerhouse!, destined to do God’s work in the world.
What does God’s grace require of me? To continue His work of redemption in the world. What started at the cross of Calvary finds its continuing here, among us. The book of Acts may end at chapter 28 but we are Acts 29. We are the church called to do His work in the world.
So what does it mean to be empowered by God’s Holy Spirit? How do we get it? Ask, and ask sincerely, with a willing heart and mind. But brother Craig, I can’t perform miracles, I can’t heal anyone.
Neither could Peter, but God worked through Him and can do the same through you, and even if you never see anyone healed, All of you have a story, just tell people what Jesus did for you. You have Jesus, that is all you need.
You demonstrate Jesus in the world by your actions and how you live. It is a responsibility, but it is a joyful one.
And brothers and sisters, when the Spirit of the Lord is given full reign in a congregation, there will be healings of people’s spiritual, psychological, and physical needs. When a person turns aside from sin and decides to follow Jesus, that is the greatest miracle, and when stuff like that happens, congregations, communities, and the outside world begin to sit up and take notice.
The same power that called the earth into existence is what is inside you when you have Jesus in your life, and it is for the lame of the world—the lame in body, in mind, and in spirit. God blesses you and then calls you to be a blessing to others, and repeat, and repeat. What you have been given by God, share with others.
The power of Pentecost faith is for people in need. It is for our joy, but never for private enjoyment. Instead, it is so that the things Jesus did for people, we can do them too by continuing His work.
God used Peter to lift this man up and get him to walk, Jesus took us by the hand and raised us up to life, and now that same Jesus calls us and gives us His Spirit to reach out to others, and lift them up to life as well
What does grace require of me? to be Jesus to people in your everyday lives, and through Him, To free people from the fear of sin and death, to show them that through Jesus they can have life!