Prov. 31:10-31-”Mom, We Really Need You”-5/4/16
Today is a day we celebrate the mothers in our lives. Did you tell your mother, grandmother, wife, or special lady in your life that you loved her?
The Bible speaks to us about mothers, and ladies, even if you don’t think you are a mother in the traditional or biological sense, you are still called by god to exemplify the qualities of holiness and goodness like those mentioned here.
Ladies, you are more than what the world tells you that you are. Maybe you grew up believing you weren’t good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, etc. I tell you that those are lies! God says you are more than that, and when Jesus died on the cross, He showed all of humanity (and yes including you 🙂 that you are loved and treasured by God.
If you ever have any doubts, remember your chief identity…children of God. And if you are a woman, that means you are a princess, a daughter of the King of Kings.
Right here are the virtues to show the world your royalty, that you belong to God. Ladies, don’t look at culture or the media to show you what it means to be a woman, for the world is far to obsessed with the image of the eyes instead of the beauty of the character.
Remember, man looks at the outer appearance, but the Lord judges the heart (1 Sam. 16:7). If you look back in the beginning in Genesis, you see God created man in His image, and from man (Adam), He created woman (Eve). I believe God created man and woman to compliment and bring out the best in each other, because both have characteristics of God.
Just like a mirror reflects the light of a candle, both men and women reflect different qualities of God. Ladies, you reflect God’s mercy, tenderness, and unconditional love. (Gentlemen, we will be looking at your qualities).
This woman in Proverbs is a robust picture. The woman you see here is an excellent wife and mother. She is also a manufacturer, importer, manager, realtor, farmer, seamstress, upholster, and merchant. Think her life got busy?
Now, before you say, “Woa! I cannot do all that!”. Fear not, you don’t have to. Maybe God has given you gifts so you can do a few of them well. Play to your strengths! And remember what we said before, “Whatever you do, do the glory of God!”
Look at the virtues displayed here: Hard work, wisdom, caring for others, concern for the poor, love for her family. These virtues adorn this woman life jewels, they draw to attention to her character,
…and yet, look the most important facet, the foundational rock, the crown jewel. Her strength and her dignity DO NOT come from her amazing achievements. They are the fruit produced from a tree firmly planted in the soil of love for God and neighbor.
In our society today, where physical appearance counts for so much, it may surprise you in this whole section that this woman’s appearance is never mentioned. Sounds cliche, but its true: it is not what is outside but inside that counts.
For God does not adorn his royal children with robes and jewels, but with holiness and goodness. Looks fade, character doesn’t. None of us could choose when we were born how we would look, but we can choose what we do with our lives.
Mom, we really need you, and I refer to any woman in this church who makes an impact on the life of another. In other words, all of you sisters here. For we all have a part to play in God’s Kingdom.
I know the woman in this Proverb seems impossible, but use her life as a model. Mothers, do your children know and see that you love them? Children, do your parents see and know you love them?
Wives and husbands, have you shown your spouses that you love them and are thankful for them even when they aren’t perfect?
Grandparents, keep offering that wisdom, because there are members of your family who are listening.
Do you work? Work to the best of your ability as if you were doing it for Jesus Himself, for you are a missionary in your job.
Finally, here is what you need to know: Think of a magnifying glass. It makes bigger and clearer everything it views: A biblical woman who loves God and lives for Him enhances and blesses everything she touches: marriage, work, family, society.