7-31-16-Luke 7:36-50-Fan or Follower?

(Much of the flow of this sermon was inspired by “Not a Fan” by Kyle Idleman

We have spent many weeks studying the parables of Jesus to look at how life is to be lived now that we are in God’s Kingdom.

As such, we must ask ourselves, “Are we fans of Jesus or followers of Jesus?” There is a difference. Fans know many facts about their celebrity, athlete, etc, but there is no relationship there. We many know details and characteristics of our spouses or best friends, but knowing these truths alone does not make a relationship.

We actually have to know the person, not simply know about them. There has to be that inner confidence that we know the person.

We have to spend time building trust, being vulnerable, and yes, that is risky, for what if we are rejected by this person?

Friends, God has shown us in Jesus that He never rejects those who come to Him. For God knows each of us intimately, and that is how He wants us to know Him…completely.

Let us go to this story to discover more. Simon at this party wants to know more about Jesus, which is a good thing (not all Pharisees were bad).

Yet, Simon did not do all the acts of hospitality that he could have done, now compare this with the woman who came, (who never would have been invited to this party ever!)

What brought her to the party? Simon had the wealth to invite Jesus. She had nothing, but something about Him drew her there, and she makes bold to see Him. Maybe what Jesus taught or how Jesus looked at her with compassion, showed her, “Maybe God has not given up on me.”

Maybe God even still loves me!” Why does she do what she did? Because it was God who came into her life, and she accepted it,

just like God came into Simon’s life in the person of Jesus, and Simon did not understand it. It is a great big reversal.

The one who was supposed to be looking for the Chosen One, the religious scholar (Simon), does not understand, and the last person we would expect to understand (this sinful woman), does get it. Jesus gives Simon clues as to who He is,

Notice in verse 39, when Simon said these comments to himself…no one was supposed to hear those words…but Jesus did. (this is the first hint)

Jesus actually read Simon’s thoughts, and this should have shown Simon, “this is no mere man you have in your midst at this party”

Then Jesus tells Simon the parable, and the parable is easy to solve. The one who has been forgiven the bigger amount is more grateful than the one forgiven the small amount.

So, Simon gets it right (good for him!) Then Jesus hits him out of left field with this comparison.

Jesus explains what the woman did to show Jesus love and hospitality is exactly what Simon should have done.

Jesus is saying, “Simon you wanted to know more about me, which was good, but you did not treat Me as I deserve to be treated. This woman on the other hand, may have lived a sinful life, but she did treat Me as I deserve to be treated.’

And how does Jesus deserve to be treated? Look at vs. 48, CHECKMATE! Who is Jesus? GOD. More than a man, more than a prophet, He is God.

Simon wanted to be a fan, but this forgiven woman wants to be a follower. Everyone carries a debt. Simon, this woman, and you and I.

Some of our debt (sins) may be large, others may be small, but we all carry the debt. Jesus showed us by His perfect life just how short we fall in trying to please God by our broken lives, but praise the Lord, that out of the same mouth comes, “Your sins are forgiven”

Jesus says to Simon what He says to all of us here. “Compared to God, we are no better or worse than this sinful woman, and if you realized the depths of our own sin, and my love for you, you would have the same reaction she did…gratitude…and you would have done the same thing she did…put your trust in Me”

That is the difference between a fan like Simon, and a follower like this woman, because the offer is made to both.

Simon figured he did not have to be forgiven much, so there was not that much gratitude. The sinful woman knew the depths of her sin and the forgiveness and love of God, and so showed much gratitude.

Simon kept Jesus at arms length, this woman threw herself at Him to love Him, and to be loved by Him. Jesus came into Simon’s life and Simon did not answer with trust. Jesus came into this woman’s life and she answered with complete trust.

We can be fans of Jesus and not know Him fully or we can be followers and know His living presence daily…How? Love Him, because He first loved us, and build that relationship, because He desires to have that with you.