I have recently read a chapter out of Philip Yancey’s book, The Jesus I Never Knew that challenged me (actually stirred in me a deep realization): The people Jesus sought to save are the undesirables that we still so often avoid in our lives and remain at the fringes of our churches. To the average person, unfamiliar with church, the confusion is understandable. 1) Jesus spent time with publicans, “sinners”, the downtrodden, etc. 2) Jesus tell us to “go and do likewise” and “as the Father has sent Me so now I send you”. 3) We claim to follow Jesus. 4) We don’t, for whatever reason, spend time out in the world trying to impact the undesirables, and we struggle welcoming them into our churches.
I think the onlooker sees a short in the circuit between parts 3 and 4…rightfully so.
I have heard many reasons for this, some good and well-meaning. “Well, we do not want their evil influence to rub off on us!” (Never mind the good influence that God can rub off on them). “Well, Jesus teaches we should be in the world but not of it.” (For this, the answer lies in re-arranging the word order, for it is just as easily argued He taught us to not be of the world but in it). Other reasons are much simpler in nature but reveal much about our character if we are truly honest with ourselves, “Oh I just plainly don’t like those people”, or “That type of person makes me uncomfortable.”
Christ had very simple instructions in that regard…Put Love Into Action.
My denomination has often boldly proclaimed that the only creed we have and follow is the New Testament itself, yet we often are no better than anyone else at living out the example Jesus left us. My question here is “Why?” and the question is rhetorical.
We already have all we need to make a secure and steadfast witness for the gospel. Jesus has given us Himself in the Holy Spirit and His truth in the Scriptures. He has also blessed us with encouragement and love from the local church. What more do we need? We cannot be afraid to go to the places Jesus went, especially if they make us uncomfortable. Every once in a while you might have someone stumble into church some random Sunday, but if that is our only method of evangelism, than we are not utilizing all of our God-given resources.
We keep trying to say “come in”, but the Holy Spirit says to us “go out”. After all, Christ promised us, “The Harvest is plentiful” (Matt. 9:37). Let us act boldly and take the initiative to be Jesus by boldly going where He went. A life authentically lived for the kingdom of God is one of the most effective ways of witnessing. People will see Jesus when they look at you.
Do not take this lightly, for you may be the only example of Jesus someone ever sees.
Stay tuned.